Ever wanted to prank someone by changing their wallpaper or running a script when they walk away from their computer? It’s a lot easier than you think! I will show you how to create your own USB Rubber Ducky for just $10, a fraction of the cost of Hak5’s $70 Rubber Ducky!

We’ll use the Adafruit Trinkey QT2040 - RP2040 and CircuitPython to make a fully functional “keyboard injection” tool that can automate tasks, execute scripts, and more.

Materials You’ll Need

  1. Adafruit Trinkey QT2040 - RP2040
  2. A computer with USB ports.
  3. Basic programming tools like a text editor.

Step 1: Set Up CircuitPython

  1. Download CircuitPython
    Visit the Adafruit CircuitPython page and download the latest .uf2 file for the QT2040 Trinkey. (9.2.1) CircuitPython Download

  2. Put the Trinkey into Bootloader Mode

    • Hold down the BOOT/BOOTSEL button (red in the image below).
    • While holding, press and release the Reset button (blue) and connect the Trinkey to your computer.
    • Continue holding the BOOT/BOOTSEL button until the RPI-RP2 drive appears.
      Bootloader Mode
  3. Copy the .uf2 File
    Drag and drop the .uf2 file that you downloaded earlier onto the RPI-RP2 drive. The device will restart, and you should now see a new drive labeled CIRCUITPY.
    Drive Ready

  4. Prepare for Coding

    • If you are missing a file named code.py on the CIRCUITPY drive, create it.
    • If you are missing a folder named lib inside the CIRCUITPY drive, create it.
    • Create a folder named scripts inside the CIRCUITPY drive for our scripts.

Step 2: Safe Mode

By default, the USB will try to run code every time you plug it in to a device (duh!). While we work on it we don’t want this, because it will also run anytime one of it’s files changes. To bypass this, when you plug in the device click the RESET button twice and the device should flash yellow 3 times, signaling it is in Safe mode. If you need a refresher on which button that is, please look at Step 1 again.

Step 3: Install Necessary Libraries

  1. Download the CircuitPython 9.x Library Bundle from Adafruit Libraries.
  2. Extract the bundle and copy these files to your CIRCUITPY drive, place both folder and file in lib:
    • adafruit_hid folder (for USB HID functionality)
    • adafruit_ducky.mpy (for Rubber Ducky script support)

or download my premade bundle for 9.x

Step 4: Write our code.py

Open the code.py file and paste in the following Python code:

from adafruit_hid.keyboard_layout_us import KeyboardLayoutUS
from adafruit_hid.keyboard import Keyboard
import adafruit_ducky
import usb_hid
import time
keyboard = Keyboard(usb_hid.devices)
keyboard_layout = KeyboardLayoutUS(keyboard)
duck = adafruit_ducky.Ducky("scripts/ducky.txt", keyboard, keyboard_layout)
while True:
    result = duck.loop()
    if not result:

Code Explanation We first import the libraries we installed when we copied over the files to lib. Then we have the USB sleep for a second to let it boot up. We create a Keyboard object and a KeyboardLayoutUS from the Keyboard object. We can then create a Ducky object from those two, and we point it to where our ducky script will be on the drive.

Now that we have our variables, we then loop through the ducky script line by line until the script ends!

Step 5: Writing the Ducky Script

  1. Create a new text file named ducky inside of our scripts folder on the CIRCUITPY drive and paste this in:
DELAY 1000
STRING echo "you've been hacked!" > ([Environment]::GetFolderPath("Desktop") + "\hacked.txt"); exit;
  1. This script opens an administrative PowerShell session on Windows 11 and creates a text file on the desktop named hacked. This takes about ~5 seconds to execute on my laptop.

Try it out! Unplug your USB and plug it back in to see it work!

Advanced Use Case: Changing the Wallpaper

Now that you’ve had a taste! Let’s try doing some funny PowerShell stuff!

Find a funny image you want to make your friends wallpaper. I’m going to use this one:

Create a new folder on your CIRCUITPY called resources and put your image there! Make sure it’s named wallpaper.jpg.

Step 1: PowerShell Time!

Create a new text file in scripts called iexscript.txt on the CIRCUITPY drive and paste the following in:

$WallpaperPath = ((Get-Volume -FileSystemLabel 'CIRCUITPY').DriveLetter + ":\resources\wallpaper.jpg")
Add-Type @"
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
public class Wallpaper {
    [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
    public static extern int SystemParametersInfo(int uAction, int uParam, string lpvParam, int fuWinIni);
[Wallpaper]::SystemParametersInfo(0x0014, 0, $WallpaperPath, 0x01 -bor 0x02)

Code Explanation This is a simple PowerShell script that we are going to call with our ducky script! It creates a C# object that contains code to replace a user’s wallpaper and then calls it in PowerShell!

Step 2: Back to ducky.txt!

Open your ducky.txt inside of your scripts folder in the CIRCUITPY drive, delete what you have and paste in the following:

DELAY 1000
STRING IEX (Get-Content ((Get-Volume -FileSystemLabel 'CIRCUITPY').DriveLetter + ":\scripts\iexscript.txt") -Raw);

This code will (again) open an administrative PowerShell, but this time it will use IEX. Essentially IEX will execute the statement after it, and the whole Get-Content thing basically finds our cool iexscript.txt file on our USB and give it to IEX and IEX runs it! Make sure you have a resources folder and a wallpaper.jpg file inside of it or this script will not work!

Try it out! Unplug your USB and plug it in to see it work!

Congratulations! You’re now a master hacker and can prank your friends by changing their wallpaper!

Please reach out to me if you have any comments or feedback! Contact: sstock2005.business@gmail.com